Part 62: Last Night- Page 60
Okay, Miranda is still in the bedroom with the wallet, but something occured to me.Actually, I'm surprised no one else thought of this.
>drop wallet
A sudden flash of lightning from outside momentarily etches the room in sharp black and white contrast.
Master Bedroom
*** ka-WHAM!!! ***
A monstrous clap of thunder rolls across the sky, shaking the whole town to its foundations.
Upstairs Landing
Problem solved!
Incidentally, for those skimming through the thread, the author, Michael Gentry, contacted me and I swear I could hear his email grumbling about the wallet/pants glitch.
Now, we must make it to the light house!
The front door stands open to the south.
Your luggage is still here, spread out all over the foyer.
The rain is still coming down, so you open your umbrella.
(first taking the umbrella)
Outside the House
The front door stands open to the north.
The Verlac mansion looms before you, casting an air of menace over the clearing.
Scenic View
The wind tugs viciously at your umbrella.
Chilly Avenue
Town Square
The poor old man's mutilated corpse hangs from the top of the obelisk.
Maybe we shouldn't think about that old man. Miranda is sorry the amulet didn't protect him, but if he were low enough, she'd steal the shoes off his feet anyway.
No crowd around. Let's see if the bridge is clear.
Whateley Bridge
As you approach the bridge, you see a hulking shadow lurking about on the far bank. You slow down warily, remembering the townsfolk who threatened you earlier, peering through the darkness and obscuring rain to catch a glimpse of the person. Then the figure moves slightly, and you realize that it's much larger than a man; in fact, the figure isn't shaped anything like a man at all.
A sudden crack of lightning illuminates the bridge for a brief, horrible instant -- and in that instant, you see it.
In the next few moments, your battered mind manages to blot out the memory of that bloated, barrel-like, armless trunk; those thick, double-jointed legs that end in shiny black hooves; that writhing forest of fleshy tendrils crowning the torso in place of a proper head -- but you are not, and will never be, able to banish the horrible, searing memory of the thing's misplaced face which leers madly out at you from the side of the trunk -- that child's face on a monster's body!
The creature lurches toward you, its hooved feet thumping heavily on the old stone bridge.
What did he look like? I'm sure there's no harm is examining closer...
>look at William
Which do you mean, the monster or the boy's picture?
Unfortunately, forcing yourself to gaze into the monster's countenance is, finally, more than your mind can bear, and your senses snap inside your head like so many rotted hawsers. You can only stand, paralyzed, as the thing lumbers toward you with its tendrils writhing and groping; and your hysterical laughter is drowned out by the thunder, and your horrified tears are washed away by the rain.

*** You have died ***
In that game you scored 60 out of a possible 100 points; you are hopelessly enmeshed in the tentacles of an ancient and sinister plot.
Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT?
> full
In that game you scored 60 out of a possible 100 points; you are hopelessly enmeshed in the tentacles of an ancient and sinister plot.
The score was made up as follows:
2 points for finding the house keys
2 points for showing the keys to Michael
1 point for taking a bath
1 point for getting the key from the cellar
1 point for getting the key from the attic
2 points for finding the journal
2 points for finding the diary
1 point for finding the safe
2 points for opening the safe
2 points for opening the puzzle box
2 points for guessing Michael's computer passcode
5 points for receiving the amulet
2 points for giving the bum whiskey
5 points for giving the bum the amulet
5 points for learning the name IALDABAOLOTH
2 points for spying on Michael
2 points for opening the secret door behind the wine racks
2 points for hiding from the monster at the slaughterhouse
1 point for breaking into the church
2 points for escaping from the church
2 points for opening Claudia Benson's desk drawer
2 points for giving the teddy bear to Jeffrey's mother
1 point for getting the long steel key
1 point for shutting off the steam valve
2 points for getting up to the mill laboratory
2 points for escaping the strait jacket
2 points for finding Edward Verlac's last testament
2 points for escaping the asylum
2 points for recovering the amulet
60 total (out of 100)
Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game, UNDO your last move, give the FULL score for that game or QUIT?
>Well, that was a short update. Any ideas?